Web Hosting Technical Support Center
Help Guide
Account Info
Settings, URLs, and Paths
To access and use your web hosting account you will need to know certain information, such as the location of where your web site files are stored, e-mail settings, and URLs for accessing your site and control panels. Most of this information is sent to your e-mail address as soon as we activate your web hosting account and this is the best place to check first, since much of this information is unique for your account or the particular server that your account is setup on. If you do not have a copy of this e-mail, please open a support ticket or contact our support department to request a new copy.
Here are some basic settings and information that are the same on all of our web hosting accounts (replace EXAMPLE.com with your domain name):
- FTP Settings
- FTP Hostname: ftp.EXAMPLE.com
- FTP Username: username@EXAMPLE.com
- Path to HTML files (Document Root): /var/www/html/
- Path to CGI files (CGI-BIN): /var/www/cgi-bin/
- E-mail Settings
- POP3 or IMAP server name: mail.EXAMPLE.com
- SMTP server name: mail.EXAMPLE.com
- E-mail Username: username@EXAMPLE.com
- Script Settings
- Path to PERL: /usr/bin/perl
- mySQL Hostname: localhost
- SMTP Hostname: localhost
Domain Name Registration
Every web hosting account must be assigned to a Domain Name. If you do not already have a domain name, Phastnet can register your domain name at an affordable price or you may chose to register your domain name using any company that provides domain name registration services.
If Phastnet registers your domain name, then you will not need to do anything extra to associate this domain name with your web hosting account, other than entering it into the signup form during the signup process. If your domain name is registered with a different company, then you will need to update the DNS settings on your domain name to point to Phastnet's DNS servers. You can find Phastnet's DNS server information in the e-mail that you received after your web hosting account was activated.
For more help and information about domain name registration, please visit our support section for domain name registration.
Web Hosting - Help guide and FAQs to help you through most tasks related to managing your web site.
Domain Name Registration - FAQs and information related to your domain name registration.